Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Rhetorical Question of the Season

If you could plan the ideal school for your special needs child, how would it look? What would the setting be like? What must the school teachers do or the school have for it to be a lovely day for your child? How would the day flow? What extra needs must be addressed and how it they be addressed?


  1. I'm not sure you have room on your blog for what I think! lol

  2. Let 'er rip, Penny!

  3. Anonymous10:27 AM

    One Friend:
    The only things that I come up with are CM basics:

    * Short classes

    * Move back and forth between various subjects (ie: math, reading, gym, then maybe even repeat).

    * A large library ;)

    * Small classes

    * Daily nature walks - some guided, some unguided but recess is sooooo lost on our kids. They just go out in the yonder and walk around by themselves. By having a specific activity, they are included without including.

    * Parental involvement required to encourage the same sorts of learning at home.

    I personally would like mixed ages for some classes, older kids guiding younger.

  4. Wow thats a huge question! Off the top of my head. Small classes. For my son more practical hands on subjects. Fun! Teachers who really know what they are doing! Fun! Extra needs addressed as and when they arise - so must have good relationships with parents.

  5. Elf, at least, would have been *just fine* in a regular smaller size (come on, less than 27, people!!) class with a consistent helper. A few minutes to hide under the desk when he is overwhelmed. A discipline system that did not include restraints and closet-locking. An option to stay home once a week and catch up on work later. SOME days are just plain hard, and a little understanding of that for me... I can give understanding back... :]

  6. a personal do all the set up and clean up that even one child requires...does that work for you? and a pedicure and massage once a month. seriously- will think on this but i'm taking a break from that right now. my thinker is thunk...

  7. Anonymous11:15 AM

    small classes. and i mean SMALL

    minimal visual 'noise'

    sensitivity and specificity with regard to actual noise, ie, use of music and sound as a sensory strategy and tool

    HUGE attention to sensory needs in general and specific ways all throughout the day including the 'lesson time'. great outdoor and indoor equipment for the basics: movement, deep pressure, heavy work and FUN

    developmentally based meaningful activities through which learning takes place (i know, that's pretty general!) ie, no pressure or requirement to have 'math' 'science' 'english' as separate subjects but take an idea/project/topic and teach it holistically and through dynamic exchange over the long haul

    Nurtured Heart Approach as the underlying 'social spiritual' curriculum

    short days

  8. Small classes! :) My son's just in pre-school, so I've got a lot to learn about having a child with special needs in the education system.

  9. My comments were WAY too long! So I blogged them instead! You can check them out at The School Box. :)

  10. Since this is a rhetorical question, and I can go wherever I want, a one-on-one mentor for my daughter. Someone who "gets" her and can guide her in her learning. Plus small classes or group discussions. Social skills groups and RDI built into the curriculum. Nutritious food and just the right amount of sensory stimulation. I don't ask for much, do it? :)

  11. And an AWESOME library!!
