Every other week, bloggers write for the Charlotte Mason Blog Carnival. This round we discussed how education ought to be about a life well-lived. I like how the hostess of this week's carnival added a nugget to the principle "Education is a life"—"Homeschooling for life and not a lifestyle." Another shared, "Being the living, breathing example we wish our kids to follow is one powerful way to educate them. Allowing them to see us being self-disciplined, kind, interested in the world, curious, loving, humble, happy, thankful, careful—just letting them see good things in us—is one-third of a Charlotte Mason style education."
That got me to thinking about our weekly walks...
Amy Tuttle, organizer of the carnival and homeschooler in the mission fields of Peru, also got me thinking about those walks: "What about the bits that LOTS of people, including myself in my youth, have had a mind to think are unbearably boring and void of living matter, like Math? And Science? There's so much memorization of Latin names and body parts and tables and elements and formulae and hypotheses and lab book entries... We might admit, if it weren't for such an immense body of facts, it would be absolutely FASCINATING."
Is your study of science absolutely FASCINATING?

We saw some there, clinging to moist spots on tree trunks. We even found a "tree of life"—a term coined by one of our young naturalists—a spider, slug, and caterpillars all in one crook.

As we walked, we began to notice more of these things, writhing on tree trunks. Hundreds of them. The hair began to creep up on the back of my neck. Or was that one of those, um, THINGS?

Then, we began to see thousands of them. It seemed like millions of them: wriggling and writhing. We started to feel a bit horrified, as in Alfred Hitchcock movies. While I felt like fleeing from the woods screaming, never to return again, the Mrs. Frizzle in me calmed down and took pictures. "I can't wait to post these on Facebook!" However creepy they are, they are part of nature. God created these things for some reason.

Then, we came to the gauntlet—branch hanging over the path. And, I know you can guess what was crawling all over that too-low-for-comfort branch. THOSE THINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Somehow, we kept our composure and managed to stifle our discomfort into small shudders. I admit to ruffling my hair and shirt just to make sure no unwanted visitors had hitched a ride. And, what was the reaction on Facebook from friends whom I know to be avid enthusiasts of nature? "EWWWWWWWWW!" "Oh, and what is this?" "nononononono" "Oh! I was about to say how beautiful the design on that tree was. Didn't realize they were alive! lol!" "Bleh!" "That is weird." Nobody seem to know what they were, so I posted a spotting at Project Noah (hat tip: Jennifer Gagnon). As much as I adore BAMONA, my intuition said that these things were not going to transform into lovely moths and butterflies.
The folks over at Project Noah identified them as MILLIPEDES! Their reaction was a bit warmer. "These are definitely millipedes—I can see two sets of legs per segment. I've never seen so many together before! Neat Find Tammy." "Interesting! This is awesome Tammy." "It is probably also a group of young millipedes that are about to leave the home site." "Here's another millipede aggregation of a different species. It looks like it happens every once in a while! Lucky you! :)"
I've always wanted to see MILLIONS of MILLIPEDES! I can take that off my bucket list now. Did we go back the following week? Of course! We had to know if they were still haunting the trails of Santee.
An idea struck me. All of our students are still in elementary school and preschool. They are a few years, or more, away from all that memorization often required in high school biology. When they reach the study of myriapods, they will remember when they saw millions of them leaving their home site.
These children will not have to memorize the difference between toads, frogs, and tree frogs. Just yesterday, they caught a southern toad eating a worm. They are raising southern leopard frogs from egg to frog. They know where green tree frogs hang out on sunny mornings (in the swamp grass).

They will remember how odd we must have looked, sitting on the grass, quietly waiting for the perfect moment to shoot these pictures of predator pondhawks.

They will remember how different seeing a fleeting picture of a horde of pondhawks is from experiencing the real deal. They will appreciate how fewer mosquito bites occur with dragonflies on patrol.

They will know that nature is to be respected. When you kick at an ant hill, you might get bit!
Consider, too, what an unequalled mental training the child-naturalist is getting for any study or calling under the sun––the powers of attention, of discrimination, of patient pursuit, growing with his growth, what will they not fit him for? Besides, life is so interesting to him, that he has no time for the faults of temper which generally have their source in ennui; there is no reason why he should be peevish or sulky or obstinate when he is always kept well amused. ~ Charlotte Mason