A recent article in the Charlotte Observer coincided with her newfound inspiration to know her city better. Charlotte is perched atop of a long rise between two creeks, and early settlers flocked to it for its gold mines. Like many cities, streets receive their names from geographic features. Major roads in Charlotte carry the names of creeks: Sugar Creek Road, Steele Creek Road, and Mallard Creek Road. Amber did not realize how many creeks in Charlotte were hidden, capped, and buried beneath concrete. The fact that the city was planning to "uncap" a lost creek capped to make way for a mall intrigued her, and she read to us excerpts from an article that explained the history of Little Sugar Creek and plans to unveil it. Amber could finally connect to Charlotte through something already familiar to her, its creeks.
Finding connections makes sense to a veteran of many moves (one day I sat down and counted the number of homes in which I lived--even if for a few weeks--and lost track after thirty-five). Often I connect to a new place right away because of kindred spirits. Even when I do not relate to people right away, the geography and nature of a place attracts me. My children, also veteran movers, have developed their sense of place, having lived in a high-rise apartment in a metropolis, a quaint New England village, the suburbs of New Orleans, a fishing village in the Aleutians, a valley behind Pike's Peak, small town America, farming communities, etc. And, thanks to living books, they have gotten to know places in their imagination that they may never see physically.
Then, Amber showed us one of her recent acquisition, which she bought through the magic of the Internet: an old copy of Charlotte Mason's, The Forty Shires. Sure, you can read it online, but nothing compares to touching the gently worn cover and fragile pages of book cherished by many hearts. I imagine Charlotte considered geography a high priority since that was the topic of her first book. She believed even the youngest child could know geography by developing pictures in their mind of a great river through their relationship with a local creek and envision the hillock behind their house as a mountain. They could start to know position of the sun, weather, direction, boundaries, and features of local geography through an outdoor life. This part of Amber's talk brought to mind Helen Keller's education:
Our favourite walk was to Keller's Landing, an old tumbledown lumber-wharf on the Tennessee River, used during the Civil War to land soldiers. There we spent many happy hours and played at learning geography. I built dams of pebbles, made islands and lakes, and dug river-beds, all for fun, and never dreamed that I was learning a lesson. I listened with increasing wonder to Miss Sullivan's descriptions of the great round world with its burning mountains, buried cities, moving rivers of ice, and many other things as strange. She made raised maps in clay, so that I could feel the mountain ridges and valleys, and follow with my fingers the devious course of rivers.
Amber closed her talk by reading from a cookbook! Yes, a cookbook. Apparently, The New Laurel's Kitchen doubles as both a vegetarian cookbook and a good read. The introductory material conveys the sense of a place called Laurel's kitchen, the old one and the new one, in vivid detail. That is the most wonderful thing about a living book, you just never know what wonderful place you will visit next.
I am enjoying reading about your conference so much! I haven't had time to respond to each of the posts, but it's been such a joy to read your descriptions! I am so drawn to the methods of Charlotte Mason, and when I read your descriptions, it just makes that even more compelling!
Jennifer, I was attracted to RDI because it seems like a Charlotte Mason like way to approach socialization. She assumes children already have mastered relationships with language and people (the challenges of autistic children) and focuses on relationships with thoughts and things.
One of my presentations was to show people teaching special needs children how to analyze a therapy manual from a Charlotte Mason perspective. The example I used for comparison was the RDI manuals! Recordings will be available and I will announce it when they are. I will be happy to email my handout to you; just email me privately.
Yes, there are differences, but not enough to reject RDI. Charlotte Mason was very much against utilitarian education (making people "useful" to society), rewards and prizes, etc. Plus, her philosophy assumes a Christian worldview, which is critical for me!
Tammy, I'd love a copy of your handout! And definitely let me know when the recordings go online!
I went to an RDI parent support group meeting given by my consultant, and it was a book discussion on the RDI recommended book "Apprenticeship in Thinking". I was amazed at how many times I thought that the ideas put forth in that book sounded like CM ideas. I haven't purchased the book myself because it's a text and $32 at amazon. But I'm going to call around and see if I can find a used copy somewhere! It might be something you want to read, if you have any free time! :)
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