Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Tam-Pam-Tallman-Jamberry-J-man-Sly Show

One reason why I love the Internet is the opportunity to meet kindred spirits. When you live in a town with a population just over 4,000, you find it hard to meet homeschoolers doing RDI, the association method, and living books with an autistic child, much less one who graduated from the boat school and married a naval officer. Today, the kids (Pam and Tallman) and I had the pleasure of meeting Jamberry and her crew (J-man and Sly). We met them at Swan Lake and spent a leisurely lunch at Burger King. As I have not clue if my camera has a timer, much less how to use it, I took a short video clip of the crew.

The map of the lake covered in rainwater fascinated Pamela. She kept running her finger through it and talking about floods. Sly discovered where the muscovy ducks hide from the tourists (under a very ancient magnolia tree). We also laughed at the disco duck, shaking his bootie for the camera.

We all had a great time. In typical fashion, Pamela and J-man quietly did their own thing. Jamberry and I talked non-stop when we weren't redirecting kids! Sly who has no older brother to rough house and Tallman who has always wanted a younger brother packed in male bonding in a few hours. I enjoyed being with someone who can order a gf/cf meal!

J-man fascinated me because he reminded me of Pamela at that age! Many times, when I meet children in the spectrum, they are very different from Pamela. J-man had that very sweet, gentle spirit--quiet, yet alert and watchful to everything happening around him. He flashed that warm-hearted smile several times and had a couple of giggle fests (Pamela giggled too when she was thinking of her favorite You-Tube videos). I did see one major difference: he communicated with his face, which Jamberry attributed to RDI (I believe her based upon our lone-ranger RDI experience). Many times, I could get an idea of his thoughts based upon his facial expressions.


Niffercoo said...

I am so jealous! Green! Deep shades of green! In fact, if I were a rainbow, you'd never be able to tell because I'd be all green! I'd blend in great in the Emerald City!

Jennifer, jealous girl

Anonymous said...

Hi Tammy,
Sounds like you had a lotta fun. Pamela looks so cute, Michalea is the same way... I love having friends like you because we go through the same struggles with our Autie's. I have no friends here and neither do the kids. Micki has a hard time relating to other kids...but am praying God will send some our way. Have a good day!!!

Unknown said...

Tammy -- here is the link I used to find where the movie Noelle was showing.

I pray you have better luck then I, only 2 cities in Iowa.


momof3feistykids said...

What a terrific day! :-)

walking said...

Jennifer, Atlanta is not that far away . . .

Robyn, we have very few friends here. This is a friendship spawned in cyberspace and it was so much fun meeting in real life. Jamberry was passing through, unfortunately.

Thanks for the link, Gabby! Yippee, the movie is within driving distance!

Niffercoo said...

Yep, and my parents live in Carolina, so maybe the next time we get there to see them, we can drive a bit further and meet up with y'all! :)
