Monday, September 29, 2008
Footage of the Princess in Action
The Queen Mum fretted over many needless worries. Since the Princess nervously pulls up her nightgown from time to time and has never worn hose nor fancy attire nor pearls, the Queen Mum feared the worst. The Princess has not worn a dress in years, much less a formal dress with the potential for so many wardrobe malfunctions. Due to the Queen Mum's sudden, unexpected illness, the Princess, who tends to sit in all manner of unladylike postures, did not practice how to sit like a lady. The Queen Mum worried the Princess might tire of her duties as the Passer-Out-of-Programs and have to replace said Princess.
None of that happened. The Princess felt the power of the dress and acted the part with beauty and elegance. She required only one lesson of how to sit (keep your feet flat on the ground). During her half-hour reign, she did not stim nor make funny noises nor ask when she could sit nor leave a trail of pearls in her wake. Her hand went nowhere near her nose. She coolly handed a program to every party that wanted one (and a few that did not). She permitted herself to be hugged and kissed by her loving tias, cousins, and grandmama. In short, the Princess knew she was every inch a princess and did her duty like royalty ought to do.
Click here for the next installment of the Princess Dress Diaries.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Debut of the Princess Dress

Congratulations, James and Alyson! Thanks for letting Pamela be a princess!

Click here for next installment of the Princess Dress Diaries.
Lunch at Mother's
Pamela and Tia Patty
A Big Group Shot
Steve's Cousins and Bernard
Backdating Her Journal
Pamela Walking with Tia Julie
The Glaser Cousins


The Rehearsal and Rehearsal Dinner
Pamela could not eat anything from the dinner, so we ordered her a burger and fries, which made Alyson's brother James (not to be confused with the groom James or her grandfather James) mouth water. He asked if he could have a bite, and she chomped on her burger and said, "No!"
Steve had wondered off to chat with his sisters, so Pamela placed her babies next to her in his chair. I was completely delighted, surprised, and, in tears, when Nancy Kashman and her husband Steve (not to be confused with my Steve or the Steve two seats to my right) arrived all the way from Phoenix. Nancy, an OT certified in Sensory Integration, helped me figure out Pamela's sensory needs early on, and she has followed Pamela's progress since she was about four years old. The last time Pamela and Nancy met was in 2000 when we visited them the weekend they opened their deli and put their waiters through the gluten-free, casein-free wringer.
After we hugged, Nancy knelt next to half-starved Pamela, who was just digging into her long-awaited meal. Nancy says, "I remember working with you when you were this high. So, how old are you now?" Pamela eats a fry, and says, "I'm nineteen years old and I have two babies!"
Nancy and I nearly collapsed on the floor, laughing! When she recovered, Nancy said, "That was beautiful! She answered my question and elaborated on it."
Pamela stayed with us in the very loud, crowded room and sat next to her grandmother while I chatted with Nancy. Nancy was astonished at how calmly Pamela sat there. She noticed how much more Pamela uses her eyes to track what was happening and how much more facial expression she has. She was very impressed, especially when you consider that we woke up at four EST to fly to New Orleans and Pamela was hanging on at nine CST at night in a very noisy setting. When she had reached her limit, she asked if she could sit on the floor, so Pamela sat in the corner with her babies and rocked a little. About a half hour later, Steve and her went back to the room. We never even had a hint of a meltdown the entire night! Not one hint!
Pamela's cousin James put it all into perspective, "I am amazed. I remember every Christmas we never saw Pamela because she couldn't handle the noise. She'd hide in the bedroom of our house in LaPlace and watch videos. Look at her. She's sitting at the table, handling it all!"
The Trip to New Orleans
We drove an hour and a half to Charleston and checked our luggage in the dark, hoping to avoid the Nor'easter that had already plunged temperatures into the sixties. Pamela traveled light. She wore her purple backpack with its solitary spiral notebook and pencil. She carried her babies, Baby Alive and David, and their luggage. A couple of times, Steve asked her if she wanted to put them in her backpack for our convenience while going through security checkpoints. NO! Those were her babies and she was treating them like real people. She hung onto them for the entire trip. The man at the curb of the airport said, "Now, don't drop your baby!" She gave him a double-take and replied, "You're joking! Comedy!"
We arrived in New Orleans hassle-free, rented our car, and headed to the French Quarter where our hotel is. Driving from the airport downtown was a shock. The landscape has completely changed right down to the sound barriers along I-10 and the massive pumping station adjacent to it. The old, rotating cow along I-10 that amused on my way home was gone. Familiar buildings are damaged, restored, or gone: so many complexes in sad condition or newly restored. Katrina happened three years ago and completely changed the face of New Orleans.
When we arrived at the hotel, we bumped into Pamela’s aunt and mother of the bride, Janet, and the bride, Alyson. Pamela had not seen Alyson in about five years because the few times we have visited family in Louisiana she was either attending college or working in Mississippi. At first, Pamela had no idea who this strange woman was and her face was completely blank. I said to her, “Pamela, Alyson is a grown up and ready to be married.” Suddenly, her eyes lit up and an enormous grin bloomed on her face when Pamela finally recognized her cousin.
After we checked-in, we collapsed in our room for two hours before getting ready for the next item on the agenda, the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Head Cold Hiatus
I felt so bad Tuesday night I was beginning to doubt I could fly to New Orleans on Friday for the debut of the Princess Dress. I sent out prayer requests to my email list friends and started steaming out my sinuses with hot water following up with saline nasal spray. After periodic steamings, I finally settled down at three in the morning and spent the rest of Wednesday sleeping off and on between steamings, except for a two-hour window in which I found out said princess dress was NOT ready (GRRRR), the kids got hair cuts, and we shopped for shoes and a rehearsal dinner outfit for Pamela. I went back on the steam cycle and lots of prayers and finally slept the entire night, starting at about ten. I woke up once or twice to sip on some juice and did not get up until six in the morning.
Today is Thursday (ALREADY?). I slept soundly all night and woke up with a fairly clear head (mild congestion), but I have air flowing through each nostril!!!! While it does not compare to the parting of the Red Sea, it qualifies as a miracle from God to me! Air flow! Semi-clear head! No headache! No fever! No muscle aches! Thank you, God!
I got up at my usual time (six in the morning) and Pamela came up to me while I was sitting at the computer. She said, "Tammy!" I turned to her and she said, "I'm so sorry." I asked, "About what?" She held my hands and said, "About your cold." Later today, at the mall, I grumbled about feeling bad, and she squeezed my arm and kissed it! She was very attentive to me in the car: when I needed my purse, she handed it to me. At one point, the strap got wrapped around the handle I grab to adjust the seat. I got so frustrated and leaned back to take a breather, so she leaned over and patiently undid it for me. WOW! That is what RDI is doing for our family in a nutshell!
The good news is that I think I can fly tomorrow! The bad news I faced a lengthy to-do list. I managed to do the items in red in less than five hours (including a one-hour round trip in the car):
- Take the dogs to the kennel.
- Beg Mom to hem Pamela's pants (she's a great quilter so it is easy for her).
- Pick up dry cleaning.
- Pick up the Princess Dress and bolero jacket.
- Buy shoes, hose, and bras for Pamela (I couldn't find any yesterday).
- Buy three outfits, hose, and bras for me!
- Pick up Nature's Way HAS which cured my last sinus infection.
- Pack our bags smartly.
- Finish the laundry.
David has been a great sport and asset to me. He narrated several books and typed others to get some homeschooling done. He took care of the dogs, did the dishes, wiped counters, made beds, and cooked for Pamela and himself. He carried around laundry baskets when I was too achy to do it myself. He even did disgusting things like put away people's clean underwear in their drawers (apparently this requires major handwashing--LOL). Poor David faced the worst injustice today. He sat in the back of our tiny Kia with our two dogs, Loa ("Driving Miss Daisy") and Arwen ("Driving Miss Daisy Crazy"). As a reward, I let him cut loose in the mall. When I was ready to shop for me, I asked him to sit with Pamela (who was sick of shopping at that point), who was holding her two babies (not dolls, babies). Any teenaged brother who will do that for his older autistic sister is a superhero in my book!
Here's our haul, in case you want to see it (except for the ladies unmentionables because this blog is rated-G):
Princess Dress and Bolero Jacket
Dress and Rehearsal Dinner Duds
Digs to Go with the Duds
Queen Mum Attire
What Keeps Queen Mum's Nose from Running
Click here for next installment of the Princess Dress Diaries.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
What I Understand about the First Unit of Language
Yesterday, I gave an overview of the Association Method. Today, I will explain what I know about the first unit of language (which is not much since we skipped it)! I learned nearly everything I know in the teaching manual for the Association Method. You can attend multi-level courses at USM Dubard, which offers a certification program, but that did not seem feasible for a homeschooling mother of two!
The first unit of language is for children who cannot read and have very little language, if any. The goal is for them to learn to say, read, lip-read, listen, and write at least fifty nouns. In the first phase of the program, children learn the Northampton symbols shown to the left. As you can see (click the picture for a better view), the manual provides detailed information about each symbol and its associated sound. If you are familiar with The Writing Road to Reading or Orton-Gillingham-like methods, these symbols are based on the concept of phonemes. (Warning Label: We tried WRTR and, well, in our house, it was "The Writing Road to Crying"--Pamela and David fared much better with At Last! A Reading Method for Every Child for reading and Handwriting without Tears for writing.)
Children first focus on Northampton symbols, mastering one symbol-sound at a time. To do this, they undergo multi-sensory steps, which I have explained in a much earlier post. Going through all multi-sensory steps and incrementally progressing from phonemes to syllables to words are vital. Children with severe language disorders really do need this much focus and repetition in all sensory channels. What distinguishes the Association Method from how ABA therapists typically approach language is the incremental progression and emphasis on multi-sensory. Again, I do not believe all autistic children need to do this, but kids like Pamela need a more structured, multi-channel approach.
Once children have learned several symbols, they can play simple card games like Go Fish and Concentration with cards made from the symbols. Pro-Ed does offer materials that make preparing to teach this unit less time consuming, such as 282 4 x 6 phoneme manuscript cards. I know you might be thinking playing Concentration with phoneme cards is no big deal. If so, I dare you to watch Connor's Story and NOT CRY!
Two-Sound Syllables
The second phase, a transitional one, uses drop drills combining two phonemes into one syllable. They are started once children learn three Northampton vowels and three Northampton consonants and are taught in the seven steps described in another blog post. This exercise got its name for two reasons: the syllable drops down the page and the activity is dropped in the next phase. Notice how color-coding distinguishes between two sounds in these drills. Children learn to read simply consonant-vowel words after mastering only a few symbols! Pro-ed offers noun cards for the first unit of language: 193 4 x 6 small picture noun cards (also available as 8.5 x 11 cards).
Once they can read, repeat from lip-reading or hearing, and write ten syllables from cross drills, children transition to cross drills in the final phase of the first unit, which trains the eye in left to right, top to bottom reading. I Can Talk's page on the Association Method shows a boy doing a cross drill at the dry erase board and another boy reading from his personal story book, where all drills and stories are stored. Simple nouns are drawn from each set of cross drills, formed into seven groups of sound patterns. Each group increases the complexity of the word with V representing by phonemes having a vowel sound and C representing those with a consonant sound:
Group 1 - CV or VC
Groups 2 and 3 - CVC
Group 4 - CVC or CVV
Group 5 - CVC or VCC or CCV or CVV
Group 6 - CVCC or CCVC
Group 7 - CVCV or CVCVCV and beyond
The appendices of the manual are quite extensive and necessary to implement the pogram. Appendix A covers phonetics and the Northampton symbols. Appendix B has over 140 pages of sample content from a typical child's book for all three units of language. Appendix C provides a standard vocabulary list of nouns taught in the first unit of language, while Appendix D provides more detail on sample stories used in the second and third units. Appendix E outlines a typical program showing the progression from first phonemes to first syllables to words for a chlid with dyslexia. That's not bad for $52 plus shipping!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Overview of the Association Method

Not all autistic children need the association method! If your child is developing language, late but in a similar pattern as other verbal autistic children, you can probably adopt a wait-and-see attitude. However, children who seem to struggle with learning language at the same rate as their autistic peers might benefit from this slowed-down, exaggerated, highly spotlighted way of learning language.

First Unit of Language - This unit concentrates on learning phonemes expressed as Northampton symbols through drop drills and learning nouns through cross drills with the goal of the child being able to say, read, lip-read, listen, and write at least fifty nouns. If your child has major fine motor delays, you might consider typing or using magnetic letters or flashcards to scaffold the writing step until writing is not a problem. If your child has a working vocabulary of at least fifty nouns (both receptive and expressive) and can read, then you can skip the learning of Northampton symbols and move right into the second unit, which is what we did!
Second Unit of Language - This unit concentrates on learning six highly versatile, but limited sentences and corresponding with syntax that can be gradually expanded one element at time, through stories. These stories serve very specific purposes: animal (yes/no questions, numbers, plurals, "can", adjectives), inanimate object ("it" and color), personal (personal pronouns, "am"/"are", preposition round-up (prepositions), descriptive (being able to describe a place), and present progressive round-up (present progressive tense) stories.
Third Unit of Language - This unit expands tense and ability to narration through stories: experience stories (past and future tenses) and imagination stories (sequence language).
Using multi-sensory methods (the seven steps of learning syntax), they learn to read and articulate sounds, sounds combined into words, and words combined into sentence. The highlights of this method include:
- Teaches both receptive and expressive language.
- Provides structure, repetition, and sameness in language.
- Children say, read, lip-read, listen, and write new elements.
- Waits for complete recall without prompting.
- Associates auditory with visual symbols.
- Emphasizes precise articulation.
- Uses Northampton symbols for learning sounds.
- Teaches one small element at a time.
- Slows down the rate of speech to spotlight new elements.
- Uses cursive to distinguish words.
- Color-codes new elements for emphasis.
- Focuses attention on written material (eventually stories).
- Associates auditory with visual symbols.
- Builds gradually on previously mastered language.
Before closing, I would like to let you know how far Pamela has come with the association method. When we first started, she could not say a complete sentence with correct syntax and words in the right order. In her reading, writing, and speaking, she often dropped articles and prepositions. She had no idea about irregular verbs and would write or say "goed" and "wented". No matter what I did, she confused progressive and present tense, saying "it was run" or "it running" but never "it was running"! In 2004, we started off with the very first sentence in the second unit of language: "This is a ___________." It was a long, slow, but worthwhile process to get to where we are today.
Where are we in 2008?
Pamela reads and writes with very consistent syntax. Less of it shows up when she is speaking, but when I think about the pragmatics of speech, how many of us answer every question in complete sentences? "Are you hungry?" "Yep!" It sounds stilted to say, "Yes, I am hungry." Pamela has more time to retrieve words and reflect on syntax when she writes and you can see that she retains it. When we are having a conversation, I loosen up because we are also focusing on broadband communication (gestures, facial expressions, vocal intonation, and pacing as well as words). When we take our time in orally narrating a story, Pamela can use proper syntax as you will see when I blog the third unit of language.
Last year, we worked hard on simple and progressive, past and present tenses. This week, I formally introduced future tense with the word "will" in her first official experience story. In an experience story, you address what will happen, then you experience it, and you end with what happened. I wrote it about the flat tire we had last week. It just so happened I had a camera with me and I figured I could use my time wisely by snapping pictures.
You can enlarge the picture in this experience story by clicking it. Notice how I spotlight the words will and did with red. They both have similar syntax in comparison to is and was which I spotlighted with blue. When we first started the association method, I had to introduce sentence syntax separately from question syntax. Pamela is advanced enough to learn both at the same time.
Pamela also reads one story from her syntax-controlled readers (which I will blog in another post). Here is the question and answer sheet to review the new syntax:
This is a typical sheet Pamela does to practice the new syntax through copywork, written narration, and dictation.
We also practice the new syntax orally. Pamela filled out the practice sheets while we were waiting to get the car serviced on Wednesday. She picked up the new syntax right away. We decided to head to the health food store while we were in town. I thought it would make a great experience story, so, before we left, I asked her these questions and she told me the answers. I wrote them all down to reinforce our conversation visually.
When we arrived home, we did a follow up story to spotlight the difference between future tense and past tense. We also covered picking up lunch from Hardee's on the way home.
If this post has captured your attention and you are breathlessly waiting for my next post with more details and film footage of us working together, chew on this lengthy pdf file and this monograph. In the next couple of posts, I plan to cover each unit in greater detail and show you how we apply the association method in our homeschooling day. I will not give you enough to fly without the manual, but I think you will walk away with a better idea of whether or not to purchase it.
Click as follows to read about the rest of the association method:
The First Unit of Language
The Second Unit of Language: The First Sentence
The Second Unit of Language: An RDI Perspective
The Second Unit of Language: The Next Five Sentences