At the conference, I asked parents and teachers what they were using for mathematics. The most passionate endorsements were for Singapore Math, RightStart, Algebra and Geometry by Harold Jacobs, and Living Math for supplementary resources. I researched reviews and commentary on these programs and the only glitch I saw was that NOBODY recommended Singapore past elementary school, even devoted Singapore fans. I studied the resources in RightStart's Intermediate Geometry (what they use for pre-algebra). I poured over their sampler, pilot program, dictionary, and tests. It reminded me of the math activities we tried to make Math-U-See more inquiry-based with opportunities for discovery last year. What a relief that someone out there has already invented the wheel!
In June, I ordered RigthStart's Starter Kit Geometric Approach for Pamela this year and Jacob's Algebra and Geometry for next year. Right about that time, my friend over at The Black Pearl Academy started blogging about doing RightStart Level B with her autism-spectrum daughter. They went through seventeen lessons together over the summer and it was exciting to see their confidence grow. At the end of the July, my friend asked her children what subjects they liked best. After careful consideration her daughter said, "I guess now it's math!" Another friend Queen Mum, a self-admitted math curriculum junkie, has RightStart among her other arithmetic paraphenalia.
The three books include the solution manual, the lesson guide that students read to work through a lesson, and the three-ringed notebook with work pages. Students remove a page or two for each lesson and tape it to the drawing board. When opportunities to focus on a formula arises, students study the patterns and develop an understanding of concepts before a formula is presented. Here are some of the tools and drawing tools that come in the starter kit:
I plan to do four 45-minute lessons a week (doing a total of 132 for the year) and to finish up the final 33 lessons (out of 165) next year along side Jacob's. If the schedule slips, I will start Jacob's regardless because RightStart recommends starting an algebra program about halfway through anyway.
All is not lost for David, a senior in public high school. After we received his ACT scores, we mapped out a game plan to work on reasoning problems in Jacob's Algebra and Geometry and retake the ACT in the fall. He has already knocked out three chapters and is explaining his understanding better because of the way the text is written and the kind of problems assigned. David likes the way Harold Jacobs presents mathematical ideas in fresh ways and is starting to succeed with some of the brain teaser problems. He told me, "Math-U-See doesn't teach you to think about what word problems actually mean in the real world. I could get by focusing on mechanics, but Jacob's does both. The Set IV problems are challenging me to tackle mathematics in the real world."
Here is an example of a typical problem that focuses on reasoning. Try this "magic trick" which always results the answer 5. Explain why it works:
Think if a number.
Add 3.
Double it.
Add 4.
Take half.
Subtract the original number.

Sniff, sniff . . . I have plagued you enough with math and have probably lost half my readers. Tomorrow, onward and upward to another subject in the knowledge of the universe: geography!
Do you feel better?
We love some Rightstart math in our house!!!!!!!
oh no. go on. More please!
Good blog. We just are looking at math stuff , which is Jacobs. I will spend some time clicking on your
highlights. You have blessed me.
Awesome, Melissa!
Bonnie, hip replacement recovery must be a pretty slow time . . .
:-) Praying for healing!!
We just finished RightStart Lesson 5 and it is turning out to be right for us!
I have not looked at RightStart math. I have, however, used Jacobs for several students that I have taught math to. It is, imo, an exceptional curriculum.
I am currently using Singapore. I think the primary problem with Singapore in the upper levels is that it really does depend on a good teacher, which would be consistent with CM's recommendations on math. I personally would not hesitate to endorse the Singapore upper-level curriculum, and I also wouldn't hesitate to use it as the textbook for any math class I taught. I think the hesitation that you mention about upper-level Singapore is primarily a result of most people's math phobia of anything beyond pre-algebra.
Thank you for this review, Tammy. I heard from a friend at Childlight last year that you endorsed Jacob's after RightStart. We have used RightStart since level A and will be finishing level E this year, but I wasn't sure if I should order their Geometry or go straight to Jacob's. Looks like I will order the Geometry first and add in Jacob's at some point. I was so happy to hear from you who's using it!
I like the way Jacobs explains things clearly, so that it has meaning. Too bad he didn't write anything for other high school subjects . . .
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